Saw some movies recently...Some bits on them...
"The Evil Dead" is a 1981 film. One of those classic horror movies. Lots of blood and gore. When you see the movie, you know at once that a lot of the later day horror flicks were heavily influenced by it. The classical elements are all there. A group of guys and gals staying in some desolate place. Ancient evil magic invoked accidently by them. The magic then hunting them down one by one. Evil trees and evil laughs. Cellars and axes. Evil books and burning them. Name it and you have it.
"V for Vendetta" is the latest offering from the Wachowski brothers. It is based on a graphic novel of the same name created by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Personally I liked it, but all the reviews haven't been that superb. The film is very dark in its outlook. Hugo Weaving as the protoganist V is simply superb. He meets the challenge of doing a role behind the mask with amazing success. His voice is superb as ever. This role of his will be remembered for long along with that of Agent Smith in the Matrix Trilogy. Natalie Portman stars as Evey Hammond. The movie is beautifully made and is sure to be counted as one of the best ever.
I managed to get DVDs of the original Star Wars Trilogy (Episodes IV,V and VI). I had seen the newer trilogy already. Pretty good...Nice story, nice effects (for that time). Harrison Ford as Capt. Hans Solo is brilliant. Too bad, they didn't have those excellent sabre duels as in the newer ones. I rather liked the last sabre duel in Episode I. :-)
Nothing more of significance...
PS : The church bells are ringing now. Guess it's Easter already. Happy Easter...
Installing PostGIS on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
11 years ago
nice blog buddy..keep postin..
Gingerjoos, ever seen me???
Please change your title to something like 'ls-l world', the Linux pro that you are.
And get back to this dirty habit of blogging.
I'm getting back with a vengeance..muuhuuhaahaa... :)
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