The official website of Cochin University of Science & Technology got defaced by crackers. I guess they're trying their best to restore it. The crackers call themselves "ProgenTR JAWNAX TEAM".
That is a great hacking work Anirudh. How could you do it
@ Pooja : I didn't do it. Like "anonymous" said it was done by "ProgenTR JAWNAX TEAM".
@Anoop : Yeah! Minor inconvenience though, can't access their results page :( So those of us under CUSAT colleges will have to wait until they bring up the site fully.
I am the lonely crusader. I am in constant crusade against the system, not because I find anything wrong with it per se but because that is what I do. That is what I was born to do.
I am a philopher. I spin theories that I use to justify my actions and prejudices. I analyse to the very extremes. I evaluate and enumerate. I do all this because this is what I do. No evil intended.
I do not seek to harm any one. I seek to live in a self-absorbed world of my own creation. Correction : worlds of my own creation. I exist simultaneaously in these worlds the laws of which I write and over which I rule. I have no time for the ordinary world.
I am lazy as lazy can be. There is nothing that can give me more pleasure than my computer with a very fast net connection. I have no interest or time for anything else. You cannot seperate me from my computer.
That is a great hacking work Anirudh.
How could you do it
Hi the site is cracked by Jawanx team of crackers.A japanese community.
A great work. Hail Crackers!!!!!
@ Pooja : I didn't do it. Like "anonymous" said it was done by "ProgenTR JAWNAX TEAM".
@Anoop : Yeah! Minor inconvenience though, can't access their results page :( So those of us under CUSAT colleges will have to wait until they bring up the site fully.
lmao!and why the hell did they chose to crack a harmless site like this?
Rohit, guess they were just scouting for vulnerable sites and found it. These guys wouldn't think of trying to break into google or yahoo.
Hi Budy , two days bck ma friend cud access the results page bt today i cudnt.. do u think the site crashd??
@hackmaestro : most likely they took the servers offline to update the results page :D
u do realize that you have publicly accepted that u are stalking someone called divya rt? :P
ha ha... very funny Mr. anonymous..
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