Thursday, April 03, 2008

CUSAT site cracked

The official website of Cochin University of Science & Technology got defaced by crackers. I guess they're trying their best to restore it. The crackers call themselves "ProgenTR JAWNAX TEAM".


Anonymous said...

That is a great hacking work Anirudh.
How could you do it

Anonymous said...

Hi the site is cracked by Jawanx team of crackers.A japanese community.

Unknown said...

A great work. Hail Crackers!!!!!

Anirudh said...

@ Pooja : I didn't do it. Like "anonymous" said it was done by "ProgenTR JAWNAX TEAM".

@Anoop : Yeah! Minor inconvenience though, can't access their results page :( So those of us under CUSAT colleges will have to wait until they bring up the site fully.

Anonymous said...

lmao!and why the hell did they chose to crack a harmless site like this?

Anirudh said...

Rohit, guess they were just scouting for vulnerable sites and found it. These guys wouldn't think of trying to break into google or yahoo.

One Among You..!! said...

Hi Budy , two days bck ma friend cud access the results page bt today i cudnt.. do u think the site crashd??

Anirudh said...

@hackmaestro : most likely they took the servers offline to update the results page :D

Anonymous said...

u do realize that you have publicly accepted that u are stalking someone called divya rt? :P

Anirudh said...

ha ha... very funny Mr. anonymous..